Monday, September 10, 2012

Vader Bling~

Another adventure in random tipping practices.
This time it played in my favor.

As we have established before, I pride myself on giving good service. I can be an odd duck, essentially a super dork with social skills that dazzle. A rare combination. Which is why some of the coolest kids in the industry work in the back of the house. It takes a lot of ego and non-dorkness to be a front of the house body. Truth.
For the most part, I think folks can walk away and feel like they've received a dining exerience that was a delight.

Sometimes (whether it be change in demographics of diners or an off day) I will walk away with far less than I feel I've earned. Some people don't understand the rules of thumb when tipping out....or assume the living costs of today are much like the 1930's. Some people have tip envy and feel bitter they don't work in an industry that they too receive tips. As though a higher hourly rate and opportunity for benefits is such a bummer.
Any how today is not about bad tips, rather a random one that turns out to be AWESOME. It may have not been so awesome to another server....but this girl must have been a long lost sister in geekdom.

My first table of the evening. A couple of gals comprable in age to yours truly, having a girls night. They were a pleasure. Made me chuckle a bit and were not high maintenance in the least! Score. They say you can judge your evening by the first table that walks in the door.

It seems to be the case, though that could be my super mind powers manifesting.

As I was cleaning the table I could have easily dismissed the black form as garbage and chucked it without a second gander but instead I picked it up with a curious "What the hell?"

And was met by this:

This is my kind of tip. Hell yes, I thought. She could have left zero dollars and this and I would have felt a sense of victory....I must have done something right because I got this AND a hefty 40% tip.
Mystery geek girl, I heart thee. You made my night. Thank you.
If it happened to fall out of your purse and it was a mistake, I will absolutely hold my vader bling at a high ransom. Or claim complete ignorance, "Vader bling? I have no idea what you are talking about."
Though the stamps received were an unusual tip this beats them all.....and in a fine dining establishment in which I work this was a rare and welcome find.


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