Thursday, June 14, 2012

A little adventure today

It's the smallest things that make life such a beautiful adventure.

Finding myself at a loss for what to do, avoiding house work for now and having some time off with Connor, we decided to take a little walk.
A lovely, windy excursion through the Chinese Reconciliation Park.

All of these tiny little moments make up a whole.

The sound of the waves lapping at the shore.
A tiny crab running for cover.
Connors little voice talking to me as he picked up some of his favorite rocks.
A train passing by.
His little hand in mine.

I've been thinking about how lucky I am. Hearing about how some of my friends are involved in these toxic relationships. And thinking of all the times that I have been too. Reminding myself that now, currently, I am with my best friend who allows me to be the best version of myself and it goes both ways and continues to flourish.
I now call my best friend my husband.
Brings a smile to my heart.

my partner in crime

He's the Prince of Tides, King of Rocks.

"Come on Mommy"

Runny nose inducing winds and smile inducing company.

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