Thursday, June 7, 2012

Manhattan Project~Phase ONE~The Social Bar and Grill

Are you ready my little drunkies?

I will use any excuse to write.
Socialize with favorites.
And I sure as hell love a good excuse to do all of the above.
Drinking and Writing have gone hand and hand since the dawn of (wo)man.

Kerouac. Poe. Hemingway.

Nature of the beast one could say.

Onward! My accomplice the Mrs. Tiffany Jill and I began our manhattan adventure at The Social Bar and Grill.

I chose Tiffany as a partner in crime for several reasons. A. She is one of few of my friends not in the industry. B. She's not necessarily a manhattan drinker. C. She has exquisite taste.

Maybe I'm playing favorites already by choosing The Social Bar and Grill. Yes, I admit I am a previous employee but the place has a cool vibe and good drinks. And I have already had a sizzling affair with their SBG Manhattan. A blissful recipe of Bulliet Bourbon and their special secret squirrel ginger/thyme syrup concoction made by Social Chef Rodel Borromeo. The Italian Luxardo cherry is the topping on the sundae, or rather the rich murky goodness awaiting at the bottom of the glass.

Tiff wrote out such an eloquent review (and god knows how after two we were pretty much snockered) so I'm presenting it as is. Because I like it.

"For someone that is not normally a Manhattan consumer I found The Social’s concoction to be a pleasant surprise. The first sip was smooth and warm and left behind a lovely tingling sensation (the ginger). It changed progressively from that refined taste to a more relaxed, sweeter vibe as the bottom was reached and the little cherry treasure was revealed. It was a little reminiscent of Black Forest Cake. My exact response upon biting into the little tidbit was “it’s a wonderful alcoholic explosion in your mouth!”

KA-POW! Mouth explosion of the alcoholic variety

Can I simply say "I concur, yup, you bet, uhuh." The syrup takes the smoky bite that may steer non-whiskey LOVERS away, while the flavor is just plain delicious, well balanced and unique. It's a smooth sipper. Classic turned hip.

Seriously, I couldn't have said it better myself. This one will be a hard one to beat.

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