Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Gestational Diabetes is a Jerk Face

So here I am in the tail end of pregnancy number four....yes I know I look fabulous right?!
All kidding aside, in past pregnancies I've always felt like I was a damn fine baby making machine. Healthy nuggets, feeling good, minimal negative pregnancy symptoms, etc. etc.
Sadly with this pregnancy I cannot boast to such an amazing experience. Granted, things aren't all bad-I didn't experience any level of morning sickness however I've felt exceptionally fatigued--gotten pregnancy acne!--and have had crazy mood swings. It's amazing I haven't slashed someone's tires or told someone to burn in hell outright. Seriously, it's a little madness inside my body right now. To add to the list of things that bum me out is now Gestational Diabetes. I gotta say, I'm a lotta surprised. I don't have a stellar diet, but it's not half bad and I've only gained a total of 10 pounds so all of these things I assumed would contribute to pregnancy induced diabetes are really a non issue....it wasn't even on my radar....so after an extra visit to the lab and more blood work the last thing I expected to hear was that I was indeed positive.
BOO. Atop from meaning I am now 85% more likely to develop adult onset diabetes (again, what! This isn't even a thing in my reality), it also increases the risk of my soon to be little person of developing it AND it means some major lifestyle changes.
For instance:
No Cereal (PERIOD) not the "good" kind or the bad kind--none. This is difficult as it is my breakfast and often my go to for late night snack. Good bye cereal.
None of the following:
white rice
bagels, white breads
fruit juices
I'm to check off the top 20 items on the glycemic index.
Initially my mind translates that to mean this:

Don't get me wrong, lettuce is A-Okay....but c'mon.
Breakfasts MUST include a source of protein and limited amounts of fruit. This does not really equate to convenient to me. This bums me out. It also means I need a new blender so that I can depend on the most convenient source of protein in the a.m. protein shakes! *bacon is a protein right? Likely not the lifestyle change they are looking for me to make I'm guessing*
Lunch is, oooh get this salads! with protein.....but I've never been a salad girl. Ever. Never Ever. Damn.
Dinner? You guessed it salads....or hearty versions there of. Dinner may also include a large portion of veggies and a small bit of protein. God Damn it.....still bummed.
I'm always baffled by how people make these dietary decisions. Just looking at it makes me want to sob.
My name is Jackie and I'm a carb addict.
I will be sharing my dietary adventures and keep you posted on the all super yum things I'm sure to come across regardless of my current state of disappointment.
Here's that super rad list of the delicious things I cannot eat....it includes cantaloupe!
Foods containing sugar
honey, molasses, & corn syrup.
Fruits -
bananas, melons, pineapple, raisins
Vegetables -
potatoes, corn, carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips
Breads -
all white breads, all white flour products, corn breads
Grains -
rice, rice products, millet, corn, corn products
Pasta -
thick, large pasta shapes
Cereals -
all cereals except those on the Low GI List below
Snacks -
potato chips, corn chips, popcorn, rice cakes, pretzels
Alcohol -
beer, liqueurs, all liquor except red wine


  1. You should chat with Coral, she's all super prego fitness lady, she may have some tips to make the diet part easier :)

    1. hahaha, she is the last person I want to talk to. Not interested in talking to those who enjoy the life of a healthnut about dieting.

  2. Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, this is Mama Barney here, using my Blogger name. Anyway, I think that you have been given too harsh a diet. Living with a Type II diabetic, I know that you do not have to give up EVERYTHING that they're telling you to give up.

    Rice, switch to brown rice. Lower on the glycemic index.
    Switch to whole-grain pasta, not white, but still, only in moderation (no giant plates of spaghetti). Bread, only whole grain, not white bread at all.
    Fruit is not completely forbidden - you can eat SMALL amounts, no eating half a cantaloupe with ice cream. Also, apples are a good source of fiber as long as you're eating the peels.
    Sweetener - try agave syrup instead of honey, molasses or refined sugar. It's lower on the glycemic index and is metabolized slower so it's not causing sugar spikes. Bonus, it's natural, not chemical. We use an organic brand sold at Costco, but they also sell it other places.

    I think the key to all of this is moderation. If your diet was high in carbs and lower in vegetables and lean protein, then you do have to make changes. Dark green veggies are your friends. Spinach, leaf lettuce (not head lettuce!), kale, things like that. Lean protein such as grilled chicken breasts.

    Any other help, just ask. Oh, and nuts are good for snacking on, too.

    1. Thanks Mama Barney. I seriously couldn't believe it when she was like "look at the glycemic index and cross off the top 20 items." Bananas?! really....how sad. I love bananas. It's definitely going to take work because my diet is fruit and carb heavy with sprinklings of lean proteins and leafies. I need to focus on the veg intake.....I'm still really surprised that it is pregnancy #4 that is giving me grief. Should be a cake walk at this point. haha.
