Wednesday, April 25, 2012



Plus side to the tending of bar lifestyle~We live on tips, not hourly wage.
Down side to the tending of bar lifestyle~We live on tips, not hourly wage.

So you put on your game face and you do the thang. Smile the smiles. Sling the boozes. And be as prompt and rad as  humanly possible.

In return of such services, patrons tip you based on performance and the quality of their experience. Which should always be pretty much great and result in a hefty 18-20% tip. This of course is ideal. Often times (if you're doing it right) you may get even more than 18-20% and also often times you get far less (maybe you left your A game at home and maybe they're just cheap).
Everyones idea of appropriate is different though stays in the same range right?

So, last night, I'm doing the thing I do and working and smiling and joking with a table. They even make it a point to introduce themselves and remember my name. AWESOME. Because in this business you want to build a relationship with the guests.
Some will become friends outside of the establishment because you just connect~some you simply know their name, drink, what their kids are up to~you know that kind of thing and often still you are that bartender archetype, wiping down the bar while a regular pours out their heart, dramas, wants and dreams and you dole out some good ole advice before closing time.
Any how. When the guests pay their tab I am more perplexed then maybe I have ever been at the contents of the bill book.

I've received the almighty "Jesus card", phone numbers, name it....

As I open the book I see exact change and this:

Stamps? Yes, stamps, an almost complete book.

Did she leave them there on purpose? Was it a mistake? Does she need these stamps? Is it some kind of inside joke that I'm not in on?

I question my fellow coworker and boss, "Am I on T.V.? Is someone fucking with me?" This is a joke yea? So weird.

Since the guest is still present I ask. "Was it your intention to leave stamps? I'd hate for it to be a mistake and you to later need them."
Smile on my face because I really am at a loss of words......this is a first.

Yup. She had run out of cash and wanted to leave me SOMETHING. LOL> "I was going through my bag and thinking I had to give you a little something, toss in some lipgloss, pennies, something."

It was a more humorous interaction to see then to read but really one for the books. Stamps DO have monetary value and I have penpals so I'll take some stamps as gratuity any day over the "Jesus card".


  1. That's too funny. At least she wanted to leave you SOMETHING. Too many times I hear about my friends getting completely stiffed (or close to completely stiffed) on a tip.

    1. Very true, like I said, I'll take it. LOL. Now I'm going to write my penpals and hope for some mail back.
